由Patrick C. L. Ng 和Esther F. Boucher-Yip 合编的《英语教学中的教师能动性与政策回应》对英语教师能动性已有文献进行系统梳理。所选文献表明:第一,学界普遍认可教师能动性与外语教育政策存在互动关系;第二,该书主要运用生态理论和社会文化理论来解读英语教师如何发挥能动性;第三,行动研究、构架教师共同体和改善外部环境是激发英语教师能动性的有效路径。
Over the past decade or so, teacher agency in both curriculum design and instructional materials development has become an important focus and drawn growing interest from both international and domestic researchers working in the areas of language acquisition planning. The most recent publication of Teacher Agency and Policy Response in English Language Teaching, edited by Patrick C. L. Ng and Esther F. Boucher-Yip, undoubtedly makes a timely contribution to this field. The edited volume examines the agency of the teacher in negotiating educational reforms and policy changes at the local and national levels. Chapters in the book include: English language teaching in China: teacher agency in response to curricular innovations; incorporating academic skills into EFL curriculum: teacher agency in response to global mobility challenge; teacher agency, the native/nonnative dichotomy, and “English Classes in English” in Japanese high schools; teacher-designed high stakes English language testing: washback and impact. This critical reviews of the book aims at informing researchers across all sectors of education,in particular policy makers of curriculum and language planning. It makes three points of interest for them. Firstly, great attention should be paid to the interactions between teacher agency and foreign language education policies. Secondly, Ecological Theory and Sociocultural Theory are meaningful approaches to the interpretation of teacher agency. Lastly, action research, the building of teacher community, and improvement of supporting environment are effective approaches to inspire English teacher agency.
王莲. 《英语教学中的教师能动性与政策回应》介评[J]. 语言战略研究, 2018, 3(5): 89-96.
Wang Lian. Review of Teacher Agency and Policy Response in English Language Teaching. , 2018, 3(5): 89-96.
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