文章导读 在政务领域,采用表述平实、易于理解的语言进行交流,有着悠久的历史。早在1713年,瑞典国王卡尔十二世就要求大臣提交的书面文本必须做到语言平易明晰(Aspery 2006)。一般认为,20世纪60~70年代英语国家面向民间的政务交流真正推动并实践了平白晓畅、易于理解的“平易语言(plain language)运动”(Goodman & Petelin 2010)。自此以后,有关平易语言的界定、实施与评价的讨论,一直是国际业界和学界关注的焦点。目前已有推进平易法律语言国际协会“明晰”(Clarity)、国际平易语言协会(Plain Language Association International,PLAIN)等行业组织,致力于团结政府部门、咨询服务机构及个人,通过开展平易语言写作培训,每两年召开国际会议讨论交流共同关注的问题,定期出版期刊推进理论探讨和实践进展等方式,推动了平易语言在世界各地的发展。
Abstract:Adopting plain language is a practical communication strategy in which speakers/writers adjust their language use to accommodate the literacy of the communication partners. It plays a vital part in optimizing the top-down communication between the governments and the public. In the international plain language movements, the respect for civil rights and the building of an open and transparent government are the driving forces that shape the agenda of plain language promotion. Drawing on the previous disputes over the definition and the merits and demerits of plain language, this paper reviews the background and history of the international plain language movement in public affairs and elaborates on the attributes of plain language from diverse perspectives such as dynamic processes, static texts and communication partners. With reference to the ultimate goal of the plain language movement and the changes in the means of government-citizen interaction, some suggestions are proposed in this paper, including employing plain language for the targeted audience, improving the writing standard and assessment parameters for the language, and establishing institutional systems to ensure the use of plain language in practice.
熊文新. 政民交流的国际平易语言运动述评[J]. 语言战略研究, 2021, 6(5): 25-37.
Xiong Wenxin. International Plain Language Movement for Optimizing Government-to-Citizen Communication. , 2021, 6(5): 25-37.