摘要移民语言已成为当今公共卫生、公共政策、公共服务和社会管理的重要分析要素,Web of Science核心合集中1990~2022年国际学术界对国际移民语言问题的研究数据表明,相关研究总体上呈现稳定增长趋势,研究重镇在北美,研究内容主要集中在人类的迁移与语言的全球分布、移民语言与人类认知研究、移民语言与社会融入、移民语言与健康、移民语言与工作和社会经济地位、移民语言与公共服务等六大领域。进一步分析可发现,相关研究多以公平、平等为主要价值取向,以规范成熟的量化研究为主要方法,质性研究也较常见,思辨性研究则较少。研究结果显示,各种类型的国际移民对移入国均具有积极的价值,而语言能力是移民十分重要的核心能力之一。对此,中国学术界应予足够重视,积极探索,构建适应国内现实的理论框架,探讨合理的来华移民语言政策,为进一步提升中国国际化城市的多语言环境建设水平和多语言服务能力提供助力。
Abstract:In the past couple of decades, the field of language policy studies has witnessed significant development, particularly in the area of immigration language research. In this paper, I aim to conduct a comprehensive review of international literature on immigration language policy from 1990 to 2022 using researches obtained from the Web of Science. The findings reveal an overall stable growth in research on immigration language. Most of the important research institutes in this field are primarily located in North America. The research mainly focuses on six key areas: human migration and the global distribution of languages, the impact of immigrant languages on human cognition, the role of immigrant languages in social integration, the connection between immigrant languages and health, the influence of immigrant languages on employment and socioeconomic status, and the relationship between immigrant languages and public services. The researches demonstrate that different categories of international immigrants bring valuable contributions to host countries, and language proficiency is one of the key competencies that is crucial for immigrants. Therefore, it is necessary for the academic community to give adequate attention to this aspect. Immigrant language research is primarily driven by the values of social justice, fairness, and equality. Regarding methodological issues, the predominant approach is based on standardized and mature quantitative instruments, although qualitative approaches are also quite common. However, discursive research grounded in theoretical frameworks is rather rare. At present, immigrant language has emerged as a crucial factor for analyzing public health, public policy, public services, and social management. Therefore, it is essential for Chinese researchers to actively engage in interdisciplinary research and develop theoretical frameworks that are tailored to the domestic contexts. By doing so, scholars can contribute to the discussion of sound immigration policies in China, while also providing assistance in enhancing the multilingual environment and improving the capabilities of multilingual services in China’s international metropolis.
梁德惠. 国际移民语言问题研究述评[J]. 语言战略研究, 2023, 8(4): 69-78.
Liang Dehui. Reviews of International Literature on Immigration Language Research. , 2023, 8(4): 69-78.