2025年3月31日 星期一
  语言战略研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
李  泉
中国人民大学 文学院 北京 100872
Seventy Years of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Li Quan

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一、引 言


摘要 着眼于当今世界求和平谋发展的总基调和中国不断走进世界舞台的中央,汉语国际化已成为不可逆转的大趋势。总结近70年对外汉语教学的实践经验和学科建设成就,探索新时代促进汉语国际化的“中国方案”,无疑具有重要的现实意义。70年来,经过几代对外汉语教师的不懈努力,对外汉语教学和研究取得了丰硕的成果。20世纪50~70年代在探索汉语自身教学规律方面取得了可喜的成就,奠定了学科发展的基石;80~90年代对外汉语教学实践获得了广泛而深入的发展,学科建设在各个领域都获得了前所未有的大发展。21世纪特别是2005年世界汉语大会以来,对外汉语教学的工作重点转向海外,并取得了令人瞩目的成就;但国内的对外汉语教学有被边缘化的倾向。应加强对学科的领导和规划,促进新时代国内对外汉语教学的新发展,为汉语国际化提供更多的“中国经验”和“中国方案”。
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李 泉
关键词 对外汉语教学汉语国际化学科建设    
Abstract:Against the backdrop of China’s policy of seeking peace and development worldwide and its increasingly important role in world affairs, the internationalization of Chinese has become an irreversible trend. In this context, it is of great practical significance to sum up the practical experience and achievements of teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL) in the past 70 years, and explore the “Chinese Solutions” in order to promote the internationalization of Chinese in the new era. Over the past 70 years, with the endeavour of generations of teachers of TCSL, great achievements have been made in teaching and research. From the 1950s to the 1970s, great achievements have been made in exploring the principles of Chinese teaching, which laid a solid foundation for the development of the discipline. From the 1980s to the 1990s, the teaching practice has developed extensively and intensively, and the disciplinary construction has unprecedentedly made great progress in all fields. In the 21st century, especially after the World Chinese Conference in 2005, the emphasis of TCSL has shifted to overseas, and remarkable achievements have been made. However, TCSL in China tends to be marginalized. So we should strengthen the leadership and planning of the discipline, promote the new development of TCSL in the new era, and provide more “Chinese Experience” and “Chinese Solutions” for the internationalization of Chinese.
Key wordsteaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL)    internationalization of Chinese    disciplinary construction
作者简介: 李泉,男,中国人民大学教授。主要研究方向为对外汉语教学、国际汉语教学。
李 泉. 中国对外汉语教学七十年[J]. 语言战略研究, 2019, 4(4): 49-59.
Li Quan. Seventy Years of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. , 2019, 4(4): 49-59.
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