文章导读 香港主权回归后,特区政府推行“两文三语”(bi-literacy and tri-lingualism)语文政策,要求“所有中学毕业生都能够书写流畅的中文和英文,并有信心用广东话、英语和普通话与人沟通”(香港行政长官1997),以加强香港人在全球化时代的竞争力。“两文”指中文和英文两种书面语,“三语”指粤语、英语和普通话三种口头语,“两文三语”的官方地位由此得到明确的规定。为了推行这项政策,政府过去一直在义务教育、高等教育和在职进修等不同层面上投放大量资源,以期提高市民运用“两文三语”的能力。回归后二十余载倏忽过去,可是“两文三语”成效却不如人意,学生的语文能力不但没有显著提升,反而有下降的趋势。要巩固香港作为亚洲国际都会的地位,提升香港市民的语文水平是非常重要的一步。因此,本文将从较宏观的视点重新检视香港语文政策的本质。文章首先会阐述现时“两文三语”政策推行上所面对的种种挑战,然后剖析政府教育措施的发展和变化,最后会就香港的语文政策和语言规划提出具体对策建议,以供各方参考。
Abstract:After over two decades of implementation, the ‘biliteracy and trilingualism’ language policy in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) has encountered many difficulties and challenges, partly due to imbalance in the development of the languages in question. After a detailed analysis of the SAR’s language situation, we put forward our vision and recommended support measures that we believe are within our reach. We hope this will deepen our understanding of where the problems lie, and that our recommendations may serve as useful reference for implementing the language policy more effectively. Our purpose is to show how, by redeploying human and other resources, the education authorities would stand a better chance of achieving the goal of fostering the biliterate and trilingual abilities of the SAR’s work force, thereby allowing Hong Kong to reach a milestone in its language policy development.
李楚成,梁慧敏. 香港“两文三语”格局:挑战与对策建议[J]. 语言战略研究, 2020, 5(1): 46-58.
Li David Chor Shing and Leung Wai Mun. Hong Kong SAR’s “Biliteracy and Trilingualism” Language-in-education Policy: Major Challenges and Proposed Coping Strategies. , 2020, 5(1): 46-58.