Abstract:The history of international promotion of Chinese language can be divided into two phases: teaching Chinese as a foreign language to international learners in China, and international Chinese language education, known as bringing-in stage and going-out stage respectively. Chinese language examinations play a significant role in any historical periods of the teaching practices. This paper reviews the development of an examination system for Chinese-as-foreign-language teaching, and delineates the characteristics of a variety of test forms. Among them, HSK has become a brand test for Chinese-as-foreign-language teaching and learning. The HSK tests have shown inadequacies in the evaluation of high-level Chinese language proficiencies, and cannot meet the needs of customized Chinese language examinations for test takers from various disciplines. This paper proposes three strategies to solve the problems, namely to learn from western countries about the development of language examination systems, construct leveled tests based on disciplines, and provide all-round service for test takers. Such measures may advance the development of a comprehensive Chinese-as-foreign-language examination system.
基金资助:本研究受到国家社会科学基金一般项目(18BYY118)、北京语言大学梧桐创新平台项目(18PT10)、“北京语言大学中青年学术骨干支持计划(BLCU Academic Talents Support Program for the Young and Middle-Aged)”、北京高校高精尖学科项目(中国语言文学)的支持。本研究系国家语委科研项目“汉语考试的历史、现状及发展趋势研究”(YB125-138)成果之一。本文的最终成稿得到审稿专家、编辑老师以及北京语言大学柴省三教授的悉心指导,特致谢忱!
作者简介: 赵琪凤,女,北京语言大学副研究员,主要研究方向为语言测试、对外汉语教学。
赵琪凤. 汉语国际教育考试体系发展研究[J]. 语言战略研究, 2020, 5(2): 71-79.
Zhao Qifeng. Examination System for International Chinese Language Education: Development and Reflections. , 2020, 5(2): 71-79.