文章导读 语言形象的研究始于20世纪80年代,美国社会语言学家Shuy(1981)提出了“语言公众形象”(public image of language)的概念,认为报纸杂志等大众媒体对语言变异所持的负面评价反映了语言的公众形象。他认为,要改善英语的语言公众形象,须将语言变异视为资源而非缺陷,让公众知晓语言学家描写、解释语言变异并不是要破坏语言规则,而是要关注不同文体的语言变异以及重视语言变异对社会意义的建构等。英国语言学家Jervis(1999)通过6篇相关文章讨论了16~19世纪文献里的德语语言形象,阐释了德语在欧洲语言中的历史地位、语言纯粹主义在外来词和词汇隐喻里的表现以及德语母语者对法语、英语的语言态度等问题,指出德语母语者在发现并定义其周边语言性质的同时,也在塑造德语自身的语言形象。Lysaght(2009)以语言形象为研究视角,比较了爱尔兰语和毛利语在电视节目中的使用传播效果及其对少数族裔族群文化认同的作用等。国内学术界对语言形象的研究较少,李宇明(2015)对汉语传播的国际形象开展研究,认为影响语言国际形象的因素主要有3类,分别为语言所属国家或民族的形象、语言本体结构特点及其流通情况、人们对语言形象的塑造和传播,“语言形象的塑造者主要是‘母语人’或‘母语国’,但也有‘外语人’和‘外语国’,一旦‘外语人’‘外语国’参与某语言的正面形象塑造,这种语言的国际传播能量就会加倍增长。”
Abstract:Based on linguistic data selected from 400 movies and TV series, this article attempts to examine types, varieties, and time distribution of dialectal movies and TV series over the last decade or so and analyzes the social variables of 620 dialect users in these movies and TV series. The findings reveal that Cantonese, Southwest Mandarin, Zhongyuan Mandarin, and Northeast Mandarin are more frequently used than others in movies and TV series. These dialects have become important language resources being utilized for literary expression of local characteristics. Since 2016, the number of dialectal movies and TV series has increased significantly, and their social images have been improved, and their economic benefits have been attractive; the socio-economic status of dialect users is embodied in social factors such as “middle-aged”, “male”, “manual worker”, “low literacy”, “rural township” and “comedy”; these factors function as contributors in constructing the current language image of dialects in movies and TV series. The article argues that the creation and dissemination of language image must conform with maintaining the major status of the ‘National Commonly Used Language and Characters’; at the same time, from the perspective of protecting and inheriting dialectal cultures, the language image of dialects in movies and TV series should be prevented from being stereotyped.
王莉宁,潘莹莹. 影视剧中方言的语言形象研究[J]. 语言战略研究, 2021, 6(6): 85-96.
Wang Lining and Pan Yingying. Study of the Language Image of Dialects in Movies and TV Series. , 2021, 6(6): 85-96.