文章导读 联合国将维和军事人员区分为参谋军官(Staff Officer)、特派专家(Experts on Mission)和维和部队(troops)3类,维和参谋军官和维和特派专家又统称为联合国军事观察员。他们岗位不同,各负其责。有的巡逻在一线,执行监督停火任务;有的就职于任务区司令部的情报、作战、后勤、训练等机关部门。来自不同国家的维和人员一起协同作战,完成自己工作职责范围内的一切维和任务,这就离不开沟通与交流,既包括与来自不同国家的同事之间的沟通,也包括他们与任务区当地人的交流。“他们的国家大小不同,贫富不一。他们的文化背景不同,经历各异,但他们推动和平的决心是一致的。”因此,他们都必须具备良好的跨文化交际能力。
Abstract:The United Nations (UN) staff officers and experts on peacekeeping missions are collectively referred to as UN Military Observers. Peacekeeping missions require them to have good cross-cultural communication skills, which consist of, amongst others, a suitable English language qualification, a full understanding of the culture of the mission area or country, and the ability to use appropriate communication strategies. A reflection of the first author’s personal experience as UN Military Observer shows that the Observers’ cross-cultural communication is often beset with problems such as insufficient language competence, lack of cultural knowledge for target countries, and inadequate communication strategies. The article puts forward some suggestions for the cultivation of cross-cultural communication capability for the Chinese UN Military Observers, which can be a reference for the selection of Chinese UN Military Observers and the expansion of international vision in officer professionalization.
李洪乾,李常荣. 联合国军事观察员跨文化交际的现状、问题和思考[J]. 语言战略研究, 2022, 7(6): 44-51.
Li Hongqian and Li Changrong. Cross-Cultural Communication of the United Nations Military Observers: Status Quo, Problems and Reflections. , 2022, 7(6): 44-51.