2025年3月28日 星期五
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1.河北科技大学 外国语学院 河北 石家庄;2.河北大学 文学院 河北 保定
A Study on the Current Situation of “Archaic-differentiation and Modern-merging” in Chinese Characters across Taiwan Straits and Hong Kong
Zhang Suge and Chen Shuangxin

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文章导读 汉字从甲骨文到现行汉字,字符部件的同化、异化和分化时有发生,字体、字形和字符体系在变异和规范之间的动态平衡,贯穿了汉字发展的全过程。不同历史时期,由于社会发展阶段、书写工具和载体、汉字记录汉语的适应度等的不同,会产生不同的文字政策和以不同方式呈现的规范标准,如秦“书同文”、魏晋石经、唐字样、明清字书。同样,自20世纪50年代开始,海峡两岸暨香港由于多种原因而各自采用了不同的汉字规范标准,形成了三地的“书不同文”,此现象引起了社会各界的普遍关注,已有研究成果比较充分地展示了三地字形差异的面貌(许长安1992,2011;费锦昌1993;龚嘉镇2004;魏励2016;张素格2019;田小琳2022),也让我们看到了文字问题的复杂性。比如繁简关系,“单凭《简总表》中的简繁对照,无法直接进行内地与港台之间字形的正确转换”(程荣2014:5);比如微观字形差异,“规范统一两岸差异字形在理论上是可行的,但在实践中有不可忽视的复杂性”(张素格2019:31)。三地文字同根同源,实现“书同文”,无论是对人际交流还是信息处理,都将带来极大方便,而要实现这一目标,梳理字形差异现状是基础,挖掘字形差异背后的规律和特点是关键。
摘要 汉字的“古异今混”指古代形音义不同的汉字或构字部件,发展演变到现行汉字,成为形体相同的汉字或构字部件。考察对比《汉字字形对比字典》(香港中华书局出版)中海峡两岸暨香港三地的汉字字形,整理出“古异今混”部件12组:舌—、臼—𦥑、林—、夊—夂—攵、艹—卝、丰—丯—豐、匚—匸、壬—、冃—曰、另—叧—、月—⺼、曰—日,涉及400多字。逐一分析可知,对“古异今混”部件,大陆依据历史传承和现实基础,大都合而为一;台湾则刻意区分,以维护字形的古今沿袭;香港大致与台湾一致,但把有历史传承和现实基础的合并部件作为可接纳字形,留有一定的弹性空间。三地“古异今混”部件的分合不一致形成的字形差异,虽然对阅读造成的障碍不大,但给基础教育阶段的汉字教学乃至世界各地的汉字教学,尤其是汉字信息处理带来不少问题。希望三地在微观字形问题上相向而行,最终实现真正的“书同文”。
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关键词 汉字古异今混字形部件    
Abstract:The “Archaic-differentiation and Modern-merging” of Chinese characters refers to those Chinese characters or components that were different in shapes, sounds and meanings in ancient time but have evolved into current Chinese characters or components with unified written forms, sounds and meanings. By examining and comparing the written forms of these Chinese characters and components that are in current use in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong based on the Comparative Dictionary of Chinese Character Forms (published by Zhonghua Book Company in Hong Kong), this study has identified 12 groups of characters or components involving over 400 characters: 舌—、臼—𦥑、林—、夊—夂—攵、艹—卝、丰—丯—豐、匚—匸、壬—、冃—曰、另—叧—、月—⺼、曰—日。Having analyzed these characters one by one, it reveals that for these “Archaic-differentiation and Modern-merging” characters and components, Mainland China generally integrates them into one form based on historical inheritance and contemporary practical considerations; Taiwan, however, deliberately distinguishes them to maintain the continuity of ancient forms; Hong Kong is largely consistent with Taiwan but leaves room for flexibility by accepting integrated forms with historical inheritance and contemporary practical foundations as acceptable written variants. The inconsistencies in differentiation and integration of these characters and components across the three regions, although do not pose major obstacles to reading comprehension, they do create problems for basic education and teaching of Chinese characters worldwide, especially for Chinese character information processing. It is hoped that the three regions can work towards convergence on these micro-level issues of written forms, ultimately achieving true “unity in written language”.
Key wordsChinese characters    Archaic-differentiation and Modern-merging    written forms    components
作者简介: 张素格,女,河北科技大学教授,主要研究方向为海峡两岸文字问题及汉字字形学。陈双新,男,河北大学教授,主要研究方向为汉字学。
张素格,陈双新. 海峡两岸暨香港“古异今混”部件的分合现状研究[J]. 语言战略研究, 2024, 9(4): 66-81.
Zhang Suge and Chen Shuangxin. A Study on the Current Situation of “Archaic-differentiation and Modern-merging” in Chinese Characters across Taiwan Straits and Hong Kong. , 2024, 9(4): 66-81.
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