Abstract:Language standardization as an essential part of language corpus planning plays a key role in language policy. Out of various motives the nation makes policy to standardize the national sign language. However, sign language is mediated via visual-manual channel in contrast with the aural-audio modality of the spoken language, independent of the spoken and written languages used in the respective countries. Therefore, the normal principles applied in the standardization of spoken languages do not always work in dealing with sign languages. VGT and NGT share many in common while the former failed and the latter succeeded in standardization. The paper attempts to compare and analyze the two cases in order to find out the causes and more preferred models and strategies in sign language standardization.
林 皓. 弗兰德与荷兰手语标准化对比研究[J]. 语言战略研究, 2019, 4(2): 83-89.
Lin Hao. A Comparative Analysis of Standardization Strategies Between Flemish and Netherland Sign Languages. , 2019, 4(2): 83-89.