文章导读 联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,UNESCO)成立于1946年,致力于推动各国在教育、科学和文化领域开展国际合作,是教育、科学、文化等领域最具影响力的国际组织,在国际社会中扮演着重要的角色。
Abstract:UNESCO is the most important international scientific and technological organization in the world today. Since its establishment, UNESCO has always valued terminology and actively supported terminology activities. An examination of the terminology policy documents and terminology working institutions shows that its terminology policy has evolved through three phases: the exploration period (1950s to 1960s), the development period (1970s to 1980s) and the refinement period (1990s to present). Each phase is marked by different terminology policy documents and international terminology working organizations such as Infoterm and TermNet. In view of its development history, UNESCO’s terminology policy is characterized by gradual progress, international collaboration and communication, establishment of terminology institutions, and non-enforcement in operations. For the future, UNESCO’s terminology policy shows a tendency of more systematization, normalization, specialization and in-depth internationalization. In the course of building national discourse system, China should strengthen cooperation with UNESCO in terminology such as establishing international or regional terminology institutions, developing and promoting national and international terminology standards, guiding and strengthening terminology policy research, in order to enhance the quality of Chinese terminology enterprise.