文章导读 应急语言指的是在突发自然灾害和社会公共事件中,为政府和民众的各种防控监测、救援处置活动提供便利服务的语言及其实践系统,包括应急语言产品、应急语言服务、应急语言策略等。应急语言研究是应用语言学领域的一个新兴重要课题。应急语言服务是降低社会公共危机和灾害风险的重要手段之一,也是人道主义信息活动(Humanitarian Information Activities)的核心组成要素,世界上不少国家已在这一方面积累了宝贵经验。随着我国对突发公共事件处理和防控要求的提升,语言应急服务问题也越来越受到国内应用语言学界的关注。尤其是2020年新冠疫情的暴发,应急语言问题在加强国内医患沟通、防控国外疫情输入方面都凸显其重要性,也催生出一批相关研究成果。但国内对该领域研究尚处于起步阶段,多在讨论其急迫性和必要性,在理论基础和研究方法上涉猎较少,研究还不够深入。而国外近年来的应急语言研究在领域语言研究的基础上不断拓展学科边界,融合不同学科理论,已成为一个重要的语言应用议题,取得了不少可资借鉴的成果。本文聚焦国外应急语言相关学术研究和实践应用,对其主要研究路径、方法和特点进行梳理和评析,以求给我国的相关研究和学科建设提供一定的启示和借鉴。
Abstract:Language emergency service is an important aspect of public emergency management. As an emerging research area in applied linguistics, language emergency studies have attracted much scholarly attention, and a wide range of issues concerning language emergency practice in various contexts have been investigated. This paper reviews the literature in language emergency studies abroad with a purpose to provide a reference for linguists in China. It is shown that the current research approaches language emergency from the perspectives of service demands and rights protection, language translation, language service forms, language information techniques and media discourse analysis. The main methodologies adopted include literature contrastive analysis, ethnography. and discourse analysis. The studies show features of interdisciplinary exploration and a combination of top-down and bottom-up research models. The approaches and methodology reviewed in this paper shows the future directions for emergency language studies in China.