This book first systematically reviews existing literature in language economics, and presents the mental map of the field by rethinking the definition of “language economics” and classifying the extensive literature. Focusing on the design and evaluation of language policies, the map and the review highlight the close relationships between language policies and social sciences like economics. In the selected papers, some aspects of such relationships are analyzed with cross-disciplinary theories and approaches, including the influence of language diversity on economic elements, the effects of language policies on social distribution, the impact of bilingualism and other language institutions on individual and social welfare, the influence of individual linguistics choices on aggregate language dynamics, the linkage between language competence and national or ethic identification, the influence of language skills and language use on income, and the impact of linguistic elements on trade patterns and population mobility in the globalized context. Those papers show that the application of theories and methods from economics and other social sciences into the study of language, language policy and related institutions can bring about stimulating insights. With the increasing embeddedness of linguistic elements into social inter actions, an adequate knowledge of both linguistic and socioeconomic phenomena and an effective communication between the two sides are able to enrich our understandings about linguistic phenomena, behaviors and related changes. The field of language planning and language policy is expected to pay more attention to the focal topics in language economics in order to interdisciplinarily explore generalized findings and theoretical systems.
张慧玉. 语言经济学承前启后的跨学科之作——《语言政策经济学》述评[J]. 语言战略研究, 2018, 3(1): 88-96.
Zhang Huiyu. An Interdisciplinary Effort Linking the Past and the Future of Language Economics: Review of The Economics of Language Policy. , 2018, 3(1): 88-96.
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