2025年3月28日 星期五
  语言战略研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
郭书谏,沈 骑
同济大学 外国语学院 上海 200082
Language Services in the Process of Building Smart Cities
Guo Shujian and Shen Qi

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文章导读 智慧城市(Smart City)最早由国际商业机器公司(IBM)提出,旨在应用技术手段让城市更加高效地运行,节约资源并改善市民生活质量(许晔,郭铁成2014)。近10年来,智慧城市在中国的发展方兴未艾,日益成为未来城市建设的重要方向。习近平总书记指出:“我们要深刻认识互联网在国家管理和社会治理中的作用,以推行电子政务、建设新型智慧城市等为抓手,以数据集中和共享为途径,建设全国一体化的国家大数据中心,推进技术融合、业务融合、数据融合,实现跨层级、跨地域、跨系统、跨部门、跨业务的协同管理和服务。”建设新型智慧城市成为新时期城市建设和社会治理的战略方向。
摘要 智慧城市是当前城市建设和发展的重要趋势。当前智慧城市语言服务具有语言服务数据化、计算机中介交流普遍化和人机耦合三大特征。语言数据对智慧城市建设具有重要作用,但受限于政府重视程度不够、人才培养、行业标准和立法限制等问题,仍然是城市大数据的孤岛。故需创新人才培养模式,增强语言数据收集、研究、使用的制度设计,鼓励语言数据在智慧城市建设中的研究和应用。同时,语言产业的一系列转型,要求进一步关注、研究这一过程中数字化鸿沟、垄断、机会不公平等可能存在的问题。应重视语言服务“技术化”,同时坚守价值评判的“人文性”,关注城市市民特别是弱势人群的数字化生存处境。
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关键词 智慧城市语言数据语言产业语言规划语言服务    
Abstract:Building Smart City is an important project in the current urban construction and development. This paper outlines the research and development of language services and proposes that current language services in smart cities feature three major aspects: digitized service, computer-mediated communication, and human-computer coupling. Although language data is playing an important role in the construction of smart cities, the restrictions in government investment, professional training, industry standards, and legislation have made language data an isolated island in the sea of big data in smart cities. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to innovate talent training mode and enhance the institutional design of language data collection. On the other hand, it is also very key to encourage the research and application of language data in the construction of smart cities. At the same time, the digital transformation of language service has brought about a series of changes in the language industry, some possible problems such as the digital divide, monopoly, and inequitable opportunities in this process required more attention and examination. Our study of language services in smart cities needs to focus not only on the technical aspects but also on the humanistic concerns, especially the current state of digital living of the vulnerable population in the community.
Key wordssmart city    language data    language industry    language planning    language service
作者简介: 郭书谏,男,同济大学助理教授,主要研究方向为语言规划学和语料库。沈骑,男,同济大学教授,主要研究方向为语言规划和语言安全。
郭书谏,沈 骑. 智慧城市建设中的语言服务[J]. 语言战略研究, 2021, 6(3): 45-54.
Guo Shujian and Shen Qi. Language Services in the Process of Building Smart Cities. , 2021, 6(3): 45-54.
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