编者按: 卢德里奇出版社(Routledge) 于1998 年开始编撰出版“ 语言学中的关键概念”(Critical Concepts inLinguistics)系列丛书,旨在通过重印经典的方式介绍语言学各个分支学科最优秀与最具影响力的学术成果。2016 年,该系列推出了四卷由知名学者托马斯·李圣托(Thomas Ricento)主编的《语言政策与规划》(Language Policy and Planning)文选。文选标题分别为《理论与历史基础》(Theoretical and Historical Foundations)、《语言政策与语言权利》(Language Policy and Language Rights)、《教育中的语言政策》(Language Policy in Education)和《语言政策与全球化》(Language Policy and Globalization),收录了近60 年来对语言规划与语言政策学科的产生与发展有巨大影响的68篇文章,总计达1600 多页。从2017 年第2 期开始,我们陆续刊出关于这套文集的四篇评论。每篇书评先对相应文选的内容进行介绍,然后做简要评论,最后分析对中国语言政策与规划研究的启示。本文是四篇评论的最后一篇。我们希望,本系列书评有助于推动中国语言政策与规划研究的进一步发展。
This review aims to comment on the fourth volume Language Policy and Globalization in the series of Language Policy and Planning: Critical Concepts in Linguistics edited by Thomas Ricento. Based on the content analysis of the selections, it elaborates the implications for the study of language planning and policy in China. The current volume tries to present important literatures on the study of globalization and language policy for nearly 30 years, and discusses the infl uence from the development of politics, economy, society and culture against the background of English globalization on language and language policy. It also probes the problems of language hegemony, linguistic imperialism, language ecology and language diversity. The international experience can serve as a reference to inform Chinese practice. In the future, language planning in China should focus on the maintenance of linguistic diversity and establishment of a language planning framework from the perspective of language ecology and language maintenance, which leads to ensuring the survival and development of endangered languages and minority languages. At the same time, the authorities should endeavor to vigorously coordinate language planning in foreign language education and international spread of Chinese in the context of English globalization.
李雯雯. 全球化背景下的语言规划研究——《语言政策与规划·语言政策与全球化》述评[J]. 语言战略研究, 2017, 2(5): 89-96.
Li Wenwen. The Study of Language Planning on Globalization:Review of Language Policy and Globalization in the Series of Language Policy and Planning. , 2017, 2(5): 89-96.
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