Since the 1970s, the interplay between poverty and children’s language development has gradually become a specialized area of study. Up to now, international scholars have carried out theoretical and empirical studies on related issues from psychology,pedagogy, linguistics, sociology, neuroscience and other disciplines. This paper reviews these overseas studies on poverty and children’s language development in order to explore the historical development, current status, and trend of this research topic.It also summarizes the viewpoints and theoretical basis of the language ability of poor children as well as the infl uencing factors and mechanisms of poverty on children’s language development from a multidisciplinary perspective. Finally, the paper points out the implication of these overseas studies for relevant research and practice in China.
张 洁. 国外贫困与儿童语言发展研究的回顾与展望[J]. 语言战略研究, 2019, 4(1): 44-55.
Zhang Jie. Overseas Studies on Poverty and Children’s Language Development: Retrospect and Prospect. , 2019, 4(1): 44-55.
沈卓卿 2014 《论社会经济地位对儿童学业发展的影响》,《教育研究》第4 期。
宋保忠,蔡小明,杨钰玲 2003 《家长期望教育价值的思考与探索》,《唐都学刊》第3 期。
许静荣 2017 《家庭语言政策与儿童语言发展》,《语言战略研究》第6 期。
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