Language training is one of the integral parts of language industry. Previously, most studies pay more attention to profit making language by the training institutions. As a result, few researchers embraced the non-profit providers in their work. With the rapid development of economy and radical social changes in China, especially after the official launch of ‘The Belt and Road Initiative’, it has incurred higher requirements on the national language ability and the language professional’s training. Correspondingly, it deems necessary to integrate the enterprises and institutions, social organizations, the profit and non-profi t providers of language training products and services under the full purview of the research. Against this backdrop, this paper attempts to broaden the original boundary of ‘Language Industry’ as a research area with an aim to break the separation between the public institution and commercial venture in providing language service. With this integration, while it enables the engagement of the multiparty, it is also desirable to achieve well-balanced distribution of various resources and in order to optimize the relationship between supply and demand. With reference to the statistic methods employed in the national policy concerning the cultural cause and the relevant activities, we propose a concept of holistic view of language industry as a perspective of dealing with language professional training. As a conclusion, revolving around the newly emerging demands in national strategy towards the national language ability, this paper explores the possibility and strategies of bringing together the multi providers of language training efforts.
李艳. 基于大语言产业观的语言培训业供给侧治理思考[J]. 语言战略研究, 2017, 2(5): 40-47.
Li Yan. On the Management of Language Training Suppliers from a Holistic View of Language Industry. , 2017, 2(5): 40-47.