This overview provides a glimpse to the current situations and future trends of cross-border languages management in the global context. As globalization continues to advance, ross-border languages as a global phenomenon is drawing more academic attention. This paper examines the practices of managing cross-border languages in African and European countries.It is shown that out of the practical needs from below and strategic interests from above, most national governments have taken planning measures, such as limited legal recognition, continuous orthographic and terminological standardization, and increased usage in basic or higher education, to manage the cross-border languages. It is predicted that in the future, the management of cross-border languages would rely increasingly on trans-national mechanisms with areal characteristics, which will lead to more regionalized solutions yet few universally accepted paradigms. In short, proper management of cross-border languages,as conceived of by policymakers, can yield positive effects, such as better interethnic relationship, improved areal stability, and upgraded economic, social and political integration.
何山华. 国际跨境语言管理:现状与趋势[J]. 语言战略研究, 2018, 3(4): 19-30.
He Shanhua. Management of Cross-border Languages: Current Situation and Future Trends. , 2018, 3(4): 19-30.
何山华 2018 《中欧三国:国家转型、语言权利与小族语言生存》,北京:商务印书馆。
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