文章导读 语言景观是社会语言学和语言社会学研究的重要方面和热点领域之一。近年来,语言景观与社会学、人类学、心理学、政治学、哲学等相互融通,呈现出交叉学科的发展态势。语言景观研究有定期召开的国际性学术会议,有专业学术期刊《语言景观》(Linguistic Landscape: An International Journal),有一定规模的研究队伍,近年来还出版了大量的学术著述和论文。本文在对语言景观研究经典文献和最新成果进行梳理的基础上,述评语言景观研究的主要路径、方法和理论进展。
Abstract:Linguistic landscape is an important field at the intersection between sociolinguistics and sociology of language. This paper reviews the classic literature and the latest research achievements in the international context first, and then provides an overview of the traditional and latest approaches, methods and theoretical developments in linguistic landscape. The new approaches focus on topics such as X-Scapes, gender and sexuality. Apart from the employment of traditional qualitative and quantitative research methods, the adoption of modern language technologies, such as psycholinguistic experiments and APP, is also advocated in linguistic landscape area. A growing trend of diversification is observed in the theoretical development of linguistic landscape, with various theoretical models and frameworks based on semiotics and multilingualism having emerged. Finally, the paper reviews current linguistic landscape research in China and indicates the directions possible for future studies.