2025年3月28日 星期五
  语言战略研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
东北师范大学 外国语学院 吉林 长春
A Case Study of Language Services in Higher Education for Individuals with Language Disorders
Liu Xiaoyu

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文章导读 面向语言障碍者的高等教育是教育公平的重要体现。解决语言障碍者的语言问题,满足其语言需求,是中国高等教育服务的重要课题。为此,国家一直在持续优化相关政策的顶层设计,发布了《关于发展特殊教育的若干意见》《残疾人参加普通高等学校招生全国统一考试管理规定》等政策文件;同时在实践中不断积累经验,如2014年首次在高考中使用了盲文试卷。这一问题也引起学界的广泛讨论。已有研究关注相关政策的实施情况以及完善路径(曲学利,吕淑惠2004;钟经华2006;麻一青,孙颖2012),分析高等融合教育中的语言实践(黄伟2011),探索语言障碍评估、无障碍环境构建等支持策略(任伟宁,等2014;蔡翮飞2017)。但是整体来看,目前尚缺乏从语言服务视角探究语言障碍者在高等教育阶段所面临真实语言问题的相关研究。
摘要 高等教育是语言障碍者实现个体发展的重要路径。本研究采用历时质性个案研究法,追踪考察在语言障碍类型、学历层次、高等教育模式、接受高等教育的国家等方面不尽相同的3位语言障碍者,从语言服务的主体、方式和内容3个方面深入了解其语言困境和需求。调查发现,语言障碍者所面临的语言服务问题可归纳为服务主体错位、服务方式失衡、服务内容匮乏。相应地,需要明确语言服务主体及其职责范畴,提升其语言服务意识;构建全高等教育阶段服务模式,明确语言服务流程;提供转衔阶段的语言服务信息,丰富涉语言障碍者的无障碍语言资源。研究表明,对语言功能的认识影响语言服务能力,沟通权利与语言服务权利混淆,对无障碍语言资源需求较高,是语言服务问题和需求产生的3方面深层原因。建议加大手语、盲文功能多元性的宣传力度,通过激励机制提高语言服务主体积极性;系统调查语言障碍群体实际需求,构建语言服务动态评价体系;挖掘阐释无障碍语言资源重要价值,谋划搭建共享语言服务模式。
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关键词 语言障碍者高等教育语言问题语言服务    
Abstract:Higher education is a critical pathway for individuals with language disorders to achieve personal development. This study employs a longitudinal qualitative case study method, tracking and examining three individuals with language disorders who differ in terms of the types of language disorders, educational levels, higher education models, and the country in which they receive higher education. The investigation delves into their language difficulties and needs from three perspectives: the agents, the methods, and the contents of language services. The findings reveal that the language service issues they face fall into three categories: misalignment of language service agents, imbalance in language service methods, and lack of language service contents. Correspondingly, there is a need to clearly define the agents of language services and their scope of responsibilities, enhance their awareness of language services, establish a service model for all stages of higher education, clarify the language service process, provide language service information during transitional stages, and enrich accessible language resources for those with language disorders. The research indicates that the perceptions of language functions which affect language service capacity, the confusion between communication rights and language service rights, and the high demand for accessible language resources are deep-rooted causes of language service issues and needs. The study suggests increasing the promotion of the multifunctionality of sign language and Braille, boosting the motivation of language service agents through incentive mechanisms, systematically assessing the actual needs of individuals with language disorders, establishing a dynamic evaluation system for language services. Additionally, it is crucial to explore the significant value of accessible language resources and plan the construction of a sharing model of language services.
Key wordsindividuals with language disorders    higher education    language issues    language services
作者简介: 刘晓宇,女,东北师范大学在读博士研究生,主要研究方向为语言政策与规划、语言障碍、儿童语言发展。
刘晓宇. 语言障碍者高等教育语言服务个案研究[J]. 语言战略研究, 2024, 9(4): 34-44.
Liu Xiaoyu. A Case Study of Language Services in Higher Education for Individuals with Language Disorders. , 2024, 9(4): 34-44.
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